Pelleting in Circular Agriculture 1: the general production process


SKU 8501 Categorieën ,


Welcome to the e-learning ‘Pelleting in Circular Agriculture’. The goal of this e-learning is to gain knowledge on the process of feed manufacturing. You get knowledge on raw materials, equipment, processes etc. The e-learning contains different assignments about the theory learned. The course duration is approximately 3 hours.

The e-learning is developed by Aeres Training Centre International and the Poultry Expertise Centre via the project ‘Pelleting in Circular Agriculture’. Other partners in this project are Wageningen University & Research, Zetadec, Agrifirm, DSM, Elanco Animal Health, Phileo by Lesaffre, Pelleting Technology Netherlands, VICTAM Foundation and Feed Design Lab.

This course is presented to you by Poultry Expertise Centre / Aeres.

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